Monday, October 11, 2010

I live

barely. I tried updating last week (I think Thursday) but blogger was being a bitch. This is only a quick update as I really don't feel like getting into things tonight, but I thought I should pop in and say something. I failed at my fast after 4 days, due to things beyond my control. Have had a few good heart to hearts with my friend C and finally made an appointment with my therapist. I may push him to send me to get assessed for bipolar disorder since I have all the symptoms and frankly everyone I know believes I have it.

I have a lot of reading to catch up on. I hope to do it tomorrow. Tonight I have a blissful few hours to loose myself in playing God on the original Sims game. Which seems vitally important right now.


  1. hey hun, hope everything is OK with you. the sims is such awesome fun! love it :)
    stay strong xx

  2. Missed you!!
    Hope everything with the doc goes well- even if you have it knowing might lead to better treatment?
    Stay strong! xxx

  3. I'm glad to hear from you, and I hope the session with the therapist goes to plan, keep us updated ok? I'm trying to do that at the moment, think I have something but not quite sure how to tell my doctor, aren't they meant to diagnose us? Anyway well done on the fast hun you did great. :) xx

  4. i love distracting myself from real life via the sims too. hope everything goes well with the therapist. xo
