Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So far...

...I won't say so good as I will jinx myself.

I've been doing really well on my new eating plan. A few basics from it: max of 735 cals per day. Max one serving of protein, one 'dairy' (soy milk), 4 serving veggies, 3 serving fruits, 2 carbs. These add up to more than 735, but they are what I work in, and can't go over their limits. Also I can only have bread or potatoes twice a week, and rice one other day of the week.

I was going to make myself a nice 200cal stir fry for supper when I got home, but as I made it, I couldn't bring myself to add more. I ended up with just mushrooms and tofu with garlic and some spices. It was delicious and very filling. Took me about 40 minutes to finish it. My grand calorie total for today is 462.

Also I'm down 3lbs. Woot.

Haven't started yoga yet, I'm going on Wednesday to get my pass, hopefully with a first class on Friday afternoon, or Saturday morning. But ASAP. Classes start up tomorrow so I'll have less time to eat crap and binge.


  1. omg, I love your plan. It's fool proof as long as you stay controlled! Good luck!

  2. YAY! Go super disciplined you...:D
    It's nice to be in that zone of total control.
    Seems like u are on top a really good weekly menu.


  3. well done on your plan! i SHOULD make up a plan for that too ... i like your ideas! Keep up the good weight loss! <3

  4. well done hun, you're strong! xx

  5. you're doing so so well!! keep it up and stay strong xx

  6. You are doing AMAZINGLY. Thanks for being my inspiration. Once your start yoga, you will probably start dropping even more pounds! GO you!
