Sunday, February 19, 2012


Slowly slowly slowly. Going to cut 100 calories off of what I have been eating today. Stay with that for a few days then go down another 100 etc. I am also going to try to get my bike in working order so I can bike around the  neighbourhood on nicer days, and some nice day this week I'm going to start clearing out dead stuff from Dad's garden (the ground hasn't really frozen here, it's been a mild winter).

I suspect my period to be coming any day now so I don't think I'll see much positive change in the next few days. >:(


  1. That sounds an excellent plan! Your sure to succeed if you take it at your own pace :) I believe in you! xx

    1. Thank you. I forgot to pick up oil for the bike yesterday but I'm going to try to remember tonight (I am such a scatterbrain, I never remember what I go shopping for).

  2. keep up the progress love! slow loss is still loss, good idea with all the jobs, keeping busy is great!
    love always

    1. While I agree, I'm such an impatient person who gets angry and frustrated and generally that leads to me fucking up and binging. Which explains why I weigh essentially the same as I did 2 years ago.

  3. Hey, your blog is beautiful.
    Ive recently stated one, please check it out if you want to? It's
    Alice xx

  4. I like your blog; I find it very beautiful. Please follow me at *Fragile Feather Girl* if you wish :)
    All my support,
    <3 A Fragile Heart

  5. Biking is so much fun! sounds like a good plan for the week. Sorry about your period though, at least it only lasts about a week. it'll be over before you know it. (:

    1. The past year or two my period has shortened from 5 days to about 3, occasionally only 1. I can only hope it comes that way.

      I like to bike. On flat surfaces/downhill. Even when I was a kid I would get off my bike and push it uphill. Going to try to get over that urge.
